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  • Please provide some background information about this language. Where is it spoken? What communities speak this language? Is this language endangered?
  • What are the names of the people who built this dictionary? Whose voices are in this dictionary?
  • Where did the data in this dictionary come from? Please describe if you collected the data yourself. If you used any published reference sources, please list them.
  • Who will be using this dictionary? Will it be used in any educational projects?
  • If you want the public to contact you about this project, please provide your contact information, or a link to where people can learn more. This is optional.

El contenido de este diccionario vivo viene de: 
Gerardo Wipio Deicat. 2023. Aguaruna dictionary. In: Key, Mary Ritchie & Comrie, Bernard (eds.) The Intercontinental Dictionary Series. Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. (Available online at, Accessed on 2023-10-02.)

The contents of this Living Dictionary come from:
Gerardo Wipio Deicat. 2023. Aguaruna dictionary. In: Key, Mary Ritchie & Comrie, Bernard (eds.) The Intercontinental Dictionary Series. Leipzig: Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology. (Available online at, Accessed on 2023-10-02.)