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  • Please provide some background information about this language. Where is it spoken? What communities speak this language? Is this language endangered?
  • What are the names of the people who built this dictionary? Whose voices are in this dictionary?
  • Where did the data in this dictionary come from? Please describe if you collected the data yourself. If you used any published reference sources, please list them.
  • Who will be using this dictionary? Will it be used in any educational projects?
  • If you want the public to contact you about this project, please provide your contact information, or a link to where people can learn more. This is optional.

Este proyecto de diccionario Tacana está en construcción. Las palabras provienen de dos fuentes de referencia que se enumeran dentro de cada entrada. Los datos lingüísticos fueron importados a la plataforma por Anna Luisa Daigneault y Diego Córdova Nieto del Instituto Living Tongues en 2024, en colaboración con la organización boliviana sin fines de lucro Pro Inversor Amazónico.

Aquí son las principales actividades necesarias para mejorar este diccionario. La comunidad Tacana en Bolivia ha sido invitada a convertirse en administradores de este proyecto y emprender las siguientes mejoras:
1. Es necesario revisar y corregir la ortografía de las palabras principales en el sistema de escritura Tacana. 
2. Es necesario grabar audio para cada entrada del diccionario. 
3. Un lingüista puede entonces revisar si la transcripción fonética de las palabras es correcta.

Para cualquier pregunta, por favor utilice el botón «Contáctenos». Muchas gracias.

This Tacana dictionary project is under construction. The words come from two reference sources that are listed inside each entry. The linguistic data was imported to the platform by Anna Luisa Daigneault and Diego Córdova Nieto at Living Tongues Institute in 2024, in collaboration with the Bolivian non-profit, Pro Inversor Amazónico.

Here are the two main activities needed to improve this dictionary. The Tacana community in Bolivia has been invited to become stewards of this project and undertake the following improvements:
1. The spelling of the headwords needs to be reviewed and corrected in the Tacana writing system. 
2. Audio needs to be recorded for each dictionary entry. 
3. A linguist can then review if the phonetic transcription of the words is correct.

For any questions, please use the "Contact Us" button. Thank you!