Owé (a dialect of Yoruba)
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See Owé Bilingual Dictionary data


Owé Vocabulary
1. Owé Alphabets
A, B, D, E, Ẹ, F, G, GB, GH, KP, I, H, J, K, L, M, N, O, Ọ, P, R, S, Ṣ, T, U, W, Y

a, b, d, e, ẹ, f, g, gb, gh, i, h, j, k, kp, l, m, n, o, ọ, p, r, s, ṣ, t, u, w, y


 /a, b, d, e, ɛ, f, g, gb, ɣ, i, h, ʤ, k, kp, l, m, n, o, ɔ, p, r, s, ʃ, t, u, w, j/



Sentences in Owé
a. Ebi í pa mí.
hunger is killing me
‘I am hungry.’
b. Kú wẹ fé jẹ?
What you want eat
‘What do you want to eat?’
c. Mì fé jẹ iyón.
I want eat pounded yam
‘I want to eat pounded yam.’
d. Lẹ fé gún iyón?
Who want pound pounded yam

’Who wants to pound yam?’
Owé Vocabulary 
1. Owé Alphabets 
A, B, D, E, Ẹ, F, G, GB, GH, KP, I, H, J, K, L, M, N, O,  
Ọ, P, R, S, Ṣ, T, U, W, Y 
a, b, d, e, ẹ, f, g, gb, gh, i, h, j, k, kp, l, m, n, o, ọ, p, r, s, ṣ,  
t, u, w, y 
/a, b, d, e, ɛ, f, g, gb, ɣ, i, h, ʤ, k, kp, l, m, n, o, ɔ, p, r, s, ʃ,  
t, u, w, j/ 
Owé Alphabet Chart 
2. Parts of the Body 
Owé English  
ọwọ́ hand 
́ palm of hand 
inú belly 
ówo head 
eyín teeth 
ọra body 
irun hair 
inú stomach 
òmùsu buttocks 
etí ear 
imú nose 
arun mouth 
ojú eye 
ọmú breast 
itọn thigh 
òbò vagina   

See Owé Bilingual Dictionary data


Owé Basic Course
