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  • Please provide some background information about this language. Where is it spoken? What communities speak this language? Is this language endangered?
  • What are the names of the people who built this dictionary? Whose voices are in this dictionary?
  • Where did the data in this dictionary come from? Please describe if you collected the data yourself. If you used any published reference sources, please list them.
  • Who will be using this dictionary? Will it be used in any educational projects?
  • If you want the public to contact you about this project, please provide your contact information, or a link to where people can learn more. This is optional.

The Ho Living Dictionary was started by Gregory D. S. Anderson and K. David Harrison in 2003, and documentation work continued in 2005-2008. Anna Pucilowski worked on the dictionary between 2007-2008 and published her graduate dissertation on the Ho language in 2009. The Ho Living Dictionary was first published online in 2010.

In 2023, Ho language activist Ganesh Birua worked on the headwords of the dictionary by changing them into Warang Chiti script, which is used by local Ho people in India.