Local Supabase dev


  1. Install supabase cli locally - you can skip this the first few times and just prepend pnpx to the commands below, but after awhile you will tire of waiting for pnpx on each command
  2. Install Docker Desktop and make sure it is running


  • supabase start to start a local instance of supabase, including POSTGres, Storage, Email, Functions, etc...
  • supabase status at any later point to get local urls if you've lost them in terminal history
  • supabase migration new <feature-name> to write a new sql migration that will edit the database. Changes are saved in version control under supabase/migrations.
  • supabase migration up to apply pending migrations to local database (prefer running supabase db reset instead)
  • supabase db reset to wipe the database, run each migration sequentially and then finally the seed.sql file.
  • supabase stop to close down the Docker containers. State will be saved and restored the next time you run supabase start

Once you have run supabase start you can open the Studio URL to explore your local Supabase project. The studio is a convenient way to inspect data and make changes via a UI, but after making changes use the UI to see the underlying SQL changes and then create a new migration with the SQL. Then run supabase db reset to make sure your migration works as expected.

Generate Types


  • Run pnpm generate-types which will do supabase gen types typescript --local --schema public > packages/types/supabase/generated.types.ts and lint and take your augments.types.ts to output a combined.types.ts with type information for all the jsonb fields.

Deployed (we don't use this):

  • supabase gen types typescript --project-id=actkqboqpzniojhgtqzw --schema public > packages/site/src/lib/supabase/generated.types.ts

Push config changes and new migrations to cloud project

You can check current prod migrations at https://supabase.com/dashboard/project/actkqboqpzniojhgtqzw/database/migrations

  • supabase login
  • supabase link --project-ref=actkqboqpzniojhgtqzw --password=<DB password>
  • supabase db push


https://drawsql.app/teams/ld-4/diagrams/entries-sentences-texts https://supabase.com/dashboard/project/actkqboqpzniojhgtqzw/database/schemas


See pgTAP docs and https://supabase.com/docs/guides/database/extensions/pgtap

  • supabase test new <name> to create a new test file
  • supabase test db to run tests

Use data from a pg_dump backup locally

These four commands are run daily to backup the production database:

  • supabase db dump --db-url "$supabase_db_url" -f roles.sql --role-only
  • supabase db dump --db-url "$supabase_db_url" -f schema.sql
  • supabase db dump --db-url "$supabase_db_url" -f data-copy.sql --data-only --use-copy
  • supabase db dump --db-url "$supabase_db_url" -f data-insert.sql --data-only

To make the local DB match the current production download just download the data as the schema already matches production (or is a step ahead):

  • Get the DB url by pasting the password into here: postgresql://postgres.actkqboqpzniojhgtqzw:[YOUR-PASSWORD]@aws-0-us-west-1.pooler.supabase.com:6543/postgres
  • Run supabase db dump --db-url "your-db-url" -f supabase/seed.sql --data-only but using the db url above
  • Remove the is_anonymous column in auth.users and find-replace , false), for ), (and don't forget the last row with a semi-colon) because is_anonymous doesn't exist in local db. Remove the audit_log block if using a reset sql script instead of fully resetting the db.
  • Run supabase db reset to build the db with the production data

Other pg_dump notes that did not pan out but may be useful in other situations

  • Read how to migrate a project: migrate-your-project
  • The dump file produced by pg_dump does not contain the statistics used by the optimizer to make query planning decisions. Therefore, it is wise to run ANALYZE after restoring from a dump file to ensure good performance. (source: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.0/app-pgdump.html) psql -d 'postgres://supabase_admin:postgres@' -c 'ANALYZE;'
  • comment out COPY "auth"."flow_state"... block
  • reset db with no migrations

--file roles.sql
--file schema.sql
--command 'SET session_replication_role = replica'
--file data.sql
--dbname "postgresql://postgres:postgres@"

Other options --variable ON_ERROR_STOP=1 - not using because of syntax errors

  • psql postgresql://postgres:postgres@ -f live-db-dump.sql
  • psql -d database -f data.sql to restore the data from a dump file obtained from Supabase's automatic backup. -d database: Specifies the name of the database to connect to.
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