Dogon (Teŋukan)
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This project documenting the Teŋukan variety of the Dogon language is led by Mr. Idrissa Sagara, a language activist and a native speaker of Teŋukan Dogon. He was born and raised in the cliffs of Bandiagara, Mali. He attended the University of Bamako in Mali, where he obtained a Bachelor's Degree in Language Sciences in 2017 and a Master's degree in Languages and Communication in 2020. 

Since 2018, Sagara has worked with private institutions teaching Field Survey, Language Teaching on Specific Objectives, Bilingual Literacy, and as a language teacher. Passionate about research on languages and cultures, Sagara is an adjunct professor of National Languages and Linguistics at the University of Bamako. He is dedicated to the documentation of his indigenous language (Dogon Teŋusɔ) in collaboration with non-profit organizations Wikitongues and Living Tongues Institute for Endangered Languages. 

Sagara has co-published a "Living Grammar Sketch of Teŋukan Dogon" with Dr. Alexander Andrason at Living Tongues Institute for Endangered Languages, which can be downloaded for free here on this page